Zachary had his first swim lesson this Saturday. We did swim lessons when he was just over a year. Parent and child thing. This class is the next level up and doesn't include me getting in the pool. Yeah me! He's all ready to go back next week. It should be interesting b/c we have to take Ryan with us. Looks like I will be in the pool sooner than I thought.
Z did a face plant onto the sidewalk at school this week. His right cheek has recovered nicely. Just very pink skin. His teacher said she couldn't punish him b/c he came running up to her after the fall and said, "Ms. Foster I was running on the sidewalk and fell and I know I'm not supposed to run on the sidewalk." Maybe lesson learned? Probably not.
On another note--I am angry. You know who you are and what it is about. Please do something to fix the problem.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Posted by Me at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Eggstravaganza and Easter
We went to Eggstravaganza! on Saturday to do an egg/candy/toy hunt sponsored by a local radio station. It was a beautiful morning and quickly warmed up to a toasty 70+. Michelle, Kris, and Kyler were even able to join us. We don't get to see much of each other b/c of their crazy 2nd and 3rd shift jobs. Someone's got to do the CSI stuff on the odd hours of the day. Everyone had a great time!
I have to had this note about he egghunt. It was actually soccer field divided into 3 sections for age groups. All the goodies were thrown all over the ground. There was a count down and then it was a free for all. We picked a great location. The Twix area. Reece and I were thankful we had 2 kids to collect all the goodies. It was a pretty funny set-up but very effective.
Kris, Kyler (almost 2), and Michelle
Coloring of the eggs
Don't you wish you could buy eggs at the store like this. Food would be so much more fun.
The late afternoon hunt. We are lazy. We didn't hunt for eggs until about 4:30. We had lunch/dinner at Pam's. The boys got 2 board games and the adults got their favorite candies.
"Yeah, I have candy in my mouth. See!"
Posted by Me at 9:41 PM 1 comments
New, New, New
New Paint! New Beds! New Hair!
We decided to buy bunk beds for the boys about 6 weeks ago. We were finally about to pick them up on Wednesday. It worked out perfectly b/c when we ordered them we still needed to replace the flooring in most of the house and the 2 smaller bedrooms were in desperate need of new paint. The flooring was put down over the long President's Day weekend with the much needed and appreciated help from Buddy. Then we/I moved on to painting the extra bedroom. It went from pale yellow to a mauve. The added bonus to this room was a new ceiling. For some reason when we first moved in, I decided to paint the ceiling blue. Not a good idea. I took the popcorn ceiling off, primed, and painted it white. Much more suitable.
Then it was on to the boys' room. We had to move quick. The boys were relocated to the new mauve room and Ryan got to start practice sleeping in a real bed! I am sooo happy to finally take the crib down and put it in the ATTIC! It has been up for the last 4 years. Ryan did great in the new bed. Babies sleep in the strangest positions.Zachary and Ryan's room has changed from hideous Pert Plus green to a much more appropriate blue. The painting in the boys' room is almost done. I have a 10 foot section of trim and the window sill to finish. I'm taking a break. The beds went up on Thursday and so did the boys. Zachary is doing great and Ryan loves his new bed. Zachary has decided he needs to share Ryan's bed for stories and then eagerly climbs into bed.
Finally.......I have new hair. I've been wanting a short haircut, but since it was Fall and then Winter and I am a wimp I HAD to wait until it got warmer.
Posted by Me at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Ryan's 2nd birthday
So after months of stalking others' blogs about their hobbies and families, I have decided it would be a great idea for me to try to post pictures of us. Well...mostly the boys.
We will start with Ryan's 2nd birthday, February 28. We celebrated at the house with cupcakes that were leftover from school and then had Reece's parents and our neighbor, Pam, over for cake and gifts over the weekend. Very simple.
And of course Zachary had to blow out candles too.
Posted by Me at 11:05 PM 0 comments