Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sick Kitty:(

Posted by Me at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Zachary has ringworm on his chin. Reece and I thought it was a scrape, but after 2 weeks it has yet to heal and has doubled in size. I thought it was a spot of eczema and put lotion and hydro-cortisone cream on it. Dr. L says the hydro-cortisone cream causes the ringworm to spread. He is right. Guess that's why he's the doctor. We now have cream for it. So....if anyone gets ringworm I have a huge tube that will take care of it for you.
Posted by Me at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Round & Round They Go
Look where we went this weekend!! You know you're jealous!
Saturday and Sunday night!!
The boys had a good time even though both nights were very late. We got to visit with Buddy (Pop), Travis, Melvin (Paw-paw), and Mark.
I can't say that I am a fan, but I would go again if tickets were available. I'm just not passionate about the sport. It was a relative early night Friday (10 pm), but b/c of rain on Saturday the race didn't start until 10:45 pm! I think I am still exhausted. My favorite things about the race---Food that start with "F"-foot long corn dogs, french fries, and funnel cake.
Posted by Me at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Sweet Dreams
Today's conversation with Ryan
Time: 6:40 am
Place: wrapped up in a very cozy bed
Me: Ryan, we need to get up and get dressed.
Ryan: No, Ssshhhh (finger over lips), Sleep
Me: Okay, maybe just a little longer
I think this proves that he is my son:) and why we are always late.
Posted by Me at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
VM & Hospitals
I received the nicest and sweetest VM today. Thank you KB4!!! You made my day.
Grandma is still in the hospital and will probably come home in a day or 2. More fun tests. I spoke to her on Monday and she sounded good. She had lots of company and Virgle is always by her side.
Posted by Me at 2:59 PM 0 comments