Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just Call Me....

"White Chocolate"
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Says guy next to me on the bus. I love riding the bus. Compliments all around. Then he tried to use my shoulder as a pillow. Ahhh how Sweet--Ick!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Karate Kid

Zachary has been taking karate for about 4 weeks. He is really enjoying it. He got his first belt, white, today after he "broke" a board with his foot. I think he shocked his teacher because he broke it on the first try.

He's also been using the camera which is why Reece is actually in a picture.

Good Food @ Yiasou Greek Festival

Yiasou Grrek Festival - Holy Trinity Church - CHarlotte, NC
We went to the Greek Festival the beginning of the month. The food was great and the boys ate it up. They will eat pretty much anything you put in front of them.

Hello Blue Eyes!