Monday, May 25, 2009


Here are pictures from the last few months.  I was completely and totally wrapped up in school and didn't have time to anything else.  Since the last post in early February Ryan turned 3, I turned 33, and Zachary turned 5. Our car died the end of February.  We got a new one on Ryan's b-day.  Reece got a job at Badin Inn.  My horse, Ty, was diagnosed with cancer in his eye and had to have it removed at NCSU.  He is doing great.  I finished an extremely difficult semester with an A and 2 B's.  Overall it was a pretty good couple of months.

Snow the beginning of March
Zachary's snowman before Mira ate his carrot nose.
Ryan highlighted his face.

Ryan, Pike, and Mira

We took Ryan to Ray's Splash Planet for his b-day.  It was so much fun.

Ryan's b-day present--rubbie blanket from Grammy, Pop, and Travis