Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sick Kitty:(

Cosmo (aka BooBoo) is sick. Vet thinks it is his liver. So sad. He is off to a specialist to have an ultrasound of his liver tomorrow morning.

Pic taken with mom's phone from the vet where he had to stay for several nights.


Zachary has ringworm on his chin. Reece and I thought it was a scrape, but after 2 weeks it has yet to heal and has doubled in size. I thought it was a spot of eczema and put lotion and hydro-cortisone cream on it. Dr. L says the hydro-cortisone cream causes the ringworm to spread. He is right. Guess that's why he's the doctor. We now have cream for it. So....if anyone gets ringworm I have a huge tube that will take care of it for you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Round & Round They Go

Look where we went this weekend!! You know you're jealous!

Saturday and Sunday night!!
The boys had a good time even though both nights were very late. We got to visit with Buddy (Pop), Travis, Melvin (Paw-paw), and Mark.
I can't say that I am a fan, but I would go again if tickets were available. I'm just not passionate about the sport. It was a relative early night Friday (10 pm), but b/c of rain on Saturday the race didn't start until 10:45 pm! I think I am still exhausted. My favorite things about the race---Food that start with "F"-foot long corn dogs, french fries, and funnel cake.

This is all for now b/c I had to take a 3 hour break to bathe boys, visit horses, and finish a load of laundry.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sweet Dreams

Today's conversation with Ryan

Time: 6:40 am
Place: wrapped up in a very cozy bed

Me: Ryan, we need to get up and get dressed.
Ryan: No, Ssshhhh (finger over lips), Sleep
Me: Okay, maybe just a little longer

I think this proves that he is my son:) and why we are always late.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

VM & Hospitals

I received the nicest and sweetest VM today. Thank you KB4!!! You made my day.

Grandma is still in the hospital and will probably come home in a day or 2. More fun tests. I spoke to her on Monday and she sounded good. She had lots of company and Virgle is always by her side.