Friday, January 2, 2009

The last 6 weeks

What have you been up to the last 6 weeks?

Here's where we have been:
Thanksgiving weekend in NYC to see the JMU MRDs
Finals for me the 2nd week of December
December 20-Ashley and Josh's wedding
Pre-Christmas with MawMaw and PawPaw
Christmas in VA at Grammy & Pops
Back home to unpack and get ready for the Spring semester

I know these pictures are in reverse order--I do the best I can with Blogger.

Christmas Day at Grammy and PopsLater the same morning--taking a nap anywhere a kid can

Ashley and Josh's Wedding day--December 20

Ryan and Melissa on the Brooklyn Bridge
The Saturday after Thanksgiving

In the hotel lobby after the parade (photo taken by Zachary)
Back: Grams, Dad "Boatman", and Linda "Grandma Linda"
Middle: Me, Melissa, and Kathleen
Front: Julia and Deborah
Zachary, Deborah, and me on Broadway and 53rd at the end of the parade. We were human popsicles by this time.
In front of Macy's Thanksgiving Eve.


Virtuous said...

Happy New Year!!!